Friday, December 28, 2007
Word find, part 2
So here's the actual word find that we had at each place setting at our wedding. If you're planning a wedding or other special event and would like me to configure a word find with words that mean something to you, email me!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Happy Holidays, Everyone!
We thought you'd like to see the Christmas cards we sent out this year...
Please let me know if you'd like me to make your holiday cards for 2008! (See my FramesByDana Christmas Cards page for more info.) I'd be happy to give this blog's readers an additional 10% discount (code:WedBlog)!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
And in the invitation envelopes were the hotel cards:
and the RSVP card, which we decided to do as a postcard just to be a bit different:
Here's the back with the info:
I think the butterfly/dragonfly cutouts held the theme together pretty well. The blue card stock I printed the hotel info on tied in the wedding's color, too.
If you'd like help making your wedding invitations, information will soon be up on, but you can always email me to see what I can do for you.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Thank you! (Finally!)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Our Wedding Podcast Network podcast

Take a listen to our podcast. It's got pictures if you choose the enhanced version. Thanks Holli and Robert!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
A Thanksgiving tour of devastated New Orleans
There are signs of hope. Rebuilding is going on all over the city and some of the wealthier neighborhoods near the breached levees look almost back to normal. The highlight of our visit was stopping by Musicians' Village, a complex of 70 homes being erected by Habitat for Humanity with the help of musicians Branford Marsalis and Harry Connick, Jr. About 20 homes have been built and residents are moving in.
We ran into drummer Bob French, leader of the Original Tuxedo Jazz Band and a local legend of sorts. We rapped with him for nearly an hour on the porch of his new home in Musicians' Village. He told us about the resilience of the New Orleans musician community and the many local jazz legends who are now his neighbors. He gave us an armload of his CDs and invited us to come hear his band as his guest next time we're in New Orleans. You can bet we will.
Here are a few photos I took on our tour. You can see more on my Flickr album. For background on the story, see this excellent flash video by the Times-Picayune newspaper. Happy Thanksgiving.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Extra invitations -- pix and wording
First up is the Spa Day invite -- for the moms and the bridal party. We went out to lunch before the "treatments," but that was just communicated personally.

Second was the rehearsal dinner. People involved with the wedding (wedding party and helpers) were included, as were their spouses. I addressed the envelopes to the couple, hoping that would get the point across that both were invited. If I did it again, I would have made "significant others welcome!" more explicit on the actual invitation, as there was a bit of confusion the day of.

Third is the bridal brunch, which was held the morning after the wedding (some bridal brunches are the morning of the wedding). I wanted to include everyone who was invited to the rehearsal dinner as well as all out-of-towners (those who were staying at the Sheraton as part of our room block the night of the wedding).

Fourth and last was the gift-opening party, which was held immediately after the bridal brunch and included just immediate family. We invited only those people that we could feel like we could kick out at a certain time because we had a Jimmy Buffett concert to get to that evening.

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Our Halloween pumpkins
P does the carving and I do the painting... We both decided to celebrate the Red Sox World Series championship in our respective pumpkins this Halloween.
In honor of our star pitcher from Japan this year... (He doesn't frown like this, I just needed the red lines for the baseball!)
And what's Halloween without some silly faces on pumpkins? (Not nearly as good as last year's creation complete with earrings and hair and bandanas done by my parents!)
Our house is horribly situated for trick-or-treaters (we got none last year), but we did get four visits last night. Then a wonderful surprise visit from Maggie and Joseph, who dropped off a bag of goodies for us.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Those were some Amazing Butterflies

So thanks to Amazing Butterflies for their 9 dozen monarchs, each individually wrapped and specially packed with cooler packs so that the butterflies stayed cool. They arrived the day before our wedding, as they should have, and the release happened just after Paul and I kissed for the first time as a married couple.
Thanks to Amy, our butterfly attendant, who carefully placed a box under each seat so the little critters would be awake and ready to fly when the ceremony ended.
The butterfly release was probably the most talked-about moment of the wedding to us so far. Sam Whitmore even blogged about it right after the wedding. Everyone seemed to just love it. I'm glad I found Amazing Butterflies (about 2 years prior to the wedding, BTW) and they did an amazing job for us.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Will you miss Paris?
My answer then, as it is now that I think back on the magical location of the first week of our honeymoon, is that I miss the surprises of such an old, sprawling city. Because you literally turn a corner, walk down some teeny alleyway, down some old steps linking two people's backyards (such as they are in a city) and you'll find yourself humbled by a centuries-old cathedral or palace that wasn't on the map you were trying to follow or in any of the guidebooks. It's just there right in front of you, looming and reminding you of history and architecture like people don't build anymore, adorned with gargoyles or tiny latticework.
I do miss the discovery. But it makes me look forward to traveling the world with Paul even more. Traveling has always been a dream of his that I've wanted to help fulfill, but, as happens when you truly love someone and devote yourself to their happiness, I've found that his dreams are becoming mine, too. His wanderlust is now mine. Which works out quite nicely, considering we're bound together now. And what a happy bind we're in, too!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Driving in France
As is usually the case, I did all the driving (I get motion sick pretty easily). At times I was grateful Paul wasn't driving so he didn't have to pay attention so much to the other people on the road. With about 600 miles traversed in our second week there, most of that on back country Burgundy roads, we were only too happy to return our faithful (and surprisingly roomy) VW Golf at the airport on our last day. At least it was fun to drive -- I love stick shifts!
Honeymoon in France - Lowlights
Crime - On our second day in
This is the third time I’ve been the victim of crime in
Cost – The Euro hit an all-time high against the dollar while we were in
The countryside was a little cheaper than
Drivers – French drivers are probably the worst I’ve ever seen, worse even than the Chinese. They change lanes without warning, don’t signal for turns and drive at high rates of speed punctuated by sudden stops. Part of the problem is the narrow, twisty roads, but other parts of
Rudeness – I expected Parisians to be rude and certainly wasn’t disappointed, but I didn’t expect to encounter the same experience in the countryside. The two other times I’ve toured the countryside, I’ve encountered mostly warm and friendly people. On this trip, however, we were treated coldly and even rudely. The most memorable incident was at Chateau Gilly (above), which canceled our dinner reservation when a large group of British auto enthusiasts took over the restaurant. We were offered free drinks in the bar, but after finishing a second glass of wine were presented with a bill for $40. We refused to pay and fortunately didn’t get a hassle, but the whole experience left us unable to recommend this chateau.
On the whole, these were minor things. If you do travel to
Monday, October 15, 2007
Very nice comments from Peggy
It was absolutely the most fun wedding I've been to...ever.
Usually I go to weddings worrying before we even get there that we'll be "trapped until cake"...but you put the timeline for the entire day on your blog so I knew ahead of time exactly when the cake would be.
Sounds silly, but it helped me relax and really enjoy the day without wondering when we'd be leaving.
You should be a wedding planner. It was an amazing day for all your guests!!!
The thing that struck me most, telling people about your wedding afterwards, was how you made guests really feel like they were part of the celebration, not just attending a celebration.
Other things I loved:
The art projects for the kids, the carrots for the horses -- did you know the kids stole all the carrots off the shrimp table and fed them to the horses? (Yup. Turns out horses don't like celery.) Watching the kids play ball in the grass with the puppy, the dog that wandered in for a minute, the music, the cheesecake bar, the food, the homemade beer and was a dream wedding.
Jeff said he felt like he knew you, even though he'd never met you before. He's really organized and felt a kindred spirit from reading the blog. It's probably why he took over RSVPing. He's pretty conservative but I think he told your father he was in love with you. And he hadn't met you yet.
Your blog let us get to know your family before the wedding so when we met them (we met in the elevator and followed them to the wedding), we felt like we already knew them.
Thanks, Peggy! We're so glad you had so much fun! I think your comment about the timeline is especially interesting -- and probably relevant to other brides. There's a fine line between giving guests an idea of what to expect and ruining the surprises, but if you give guests just a clue, they'll usually appreciate it.
If you want to share your opinions of the wedding, please feel free to comment on this post!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Amy's pix
The bridal party before the ceremony
Duey McCurley pipes the processional
PnD head to our quiet moment after the ceremony
Corinne spots a butterfly on her dress
There's always something wonderful about nature
Michaela gets her own butterfly
This one's in the shadows, but you can see Corinne's hair and headpiece a bit
Monday, October 1, 2007
Wedding Podcast Network
At what point is information too much information? Dunno. I know that at the beginning of the process, lots of brides look for as many resources as they can. So here's yet another resource.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Modern Bride magazine article
Hi, Brooke!
So glad you found our wedding blog! I hope it is good reading...
One of the reasons we did post such detail was so other people could borrow the ideas if they wanted to. I find that in the blogosphere, the more territorial you are about ideas or such, the less it works. The blogosphere is all about transparency and sharing and conversing with people. So if a bride finds something I did and wants to use it for her own, I'd be happy and kind of touched to hear she did. No permission
necessary. I think that's kind of an unwritten rule among bloggers.
The only things I didn't post pre-wedding were surprises for the guests. I didn't tell too many people what Paul's and my first dance was going to be (Disco Inferno faded into I've Got a Crush on You) or that we were going to be releasing monarch butterflies. I didn't post surprises on the blog (but am working on getting all that up on the blog now, after the honeymoon) because I knew that several attendees were reading the blog regularly and I wanted to maintain that certain small level of
secrecy until the Big Day to them.
That being said, I just posted the entire playlist for the whole reception with the idea that someone may not have to do the 7 months of work I did to find, gather, and put into order the music for their "iPod wedding." I was looking for something like that list of songs when I was working on the playlists, so I hope someone does copy it if they like some of our selections. That being said, just because of music rights
laws and such, I can't actually GIVE them the music; but it's a start.
Also, I have to say, some of it is kind of self-serving. I'm trying to build up my Frames By Dana business, and I've added quite a few products in working through the wedding details. If someone wants to copy my guest books, for instance, but doesn't want to go through the work of making them themselves, they can contract me to do it for them. This is an angle I haven't made exactly obvious yet on the blog (frankly, because I didn't have a lot of time for that business while I was planning the wedding and it takes some
development), but I will now that it's all done.
Please let me know if you need anything else! I'm happy to chat about this with you! And please also let me know when your article will be published.
I hope my point of view helped.
--Dana Gillin
She asked then if she could call me to talk further. So we set up a time for yesterday afternoon and she gave me a ring and asked me some more questions. I told her about the idea I "stole" from Brett and Sara's wedding 2 months before mine -- to make the program a fan, which comes in handy on a hot summer day. TG for my brother's earlier wedding! Brooke seems like a wicked nice person -- truly interested and realizes how lucky she is to be writing about such a fun subject! She said the article is currently slated for publication in February's issue of Modern Bride, but we'll see how that goes. I know, having worked in the mag biz, how you sometimes have to push out articles for the sake of space or breaking news or something, so I'll keep you blog readers posted on the progress.
Who knows if I'll actually get quoted, but even being found by a journalist in the space and asked a few questions about the blog was a huge hoot! Thanks for the thrill, Brooke!
Now Paul's calling me his new influencer... I think he's kinda proud of me. :-D
What I put in our out-of-town wedding guests' welcome bags
- votive holders and votive candles (and matches) for the couples
- a bag of snacks (TGI Friday's Potato Skins, or the like)
- granola bars -- I think I tried for 2 for each person for each morning they were staying
- bottles of water -- 1 per person
- a bag of Pepperidge Farm cookies -- Nantucket and Sausalito, I believe
- body lotion or shower gel or something "girly" along those lines
- room/linen spray in some romantic flavor -- lavender or rose, I think I chose
- a package of mints
- a package of cocktail napkins
For the kids' bags, I tossed in anything I thought they'd like. Coloring books and crayons, activity books, glow-in-the-dark light sticks, rolls of paper to write on, stuffed animals, I can't remember the rest, but you get the idea.
Interesting Google results
If you Google "funny wedding blog," one of our posts comes up 3rd. But only on On, it's 14th.
If you Google "things to put in wedding guest welcome bags," one of our posts comes up 6th. Which reminds me, I haven't posted about what was in those bags... Next post!
How do I know these things? Because our tracking system shows where people have come from and what searches result in visitors to the blog. Pretty cool -- this age of technology!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Blueberries in champagne
Funny how the big picture just takes hold of you when you're in the middle of it and you forget all the things you had spent so much brain power on for so many months. What was I thinking when Bill and Maggie were giving the toasts? I was thinking about what good friends they are and how they both truly understand Paul and me and how fortunate we are to have them in our lives. I was not thinking about the missing blueberries.
Music we played for the wedding
And here are the songs we played (each playlist was cut short bc of time, but I needed each playlist too long rather than too short, should the schedule for the day not fit exactly to the plan):
Frank Sinatra -- Love and Marriage
Harry Connick, Jr. -- All These Things
Dean Martin -- Memories are Made of This
Jane Monheit -- Embraceable You
Louis Armstrong -- Fantastic, That's You
Michael Buble -- Money Can't Buy Me Love
Harry -- Just Kiss Me
Frank -- NY, NY
Ella Fitzgerald -- 'Deed I do
Dean -- You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You
Michael -- Feeling Good
Harry -- A Blessing and a Curse
Jane -- I Won't Dance (or Ella and Louis)
Frank -- I am Loved
Tony Bennett -- I Left My Heart in San Francisco
Louis -- Give Me Your Kisses
Michael --You and I
Ella -- Blue Skies
Frank -- My Kind of Town
Harry -- Something You Got (from Oh, My Nola)
Louis -- Sunshine of Love
Dean -- That's Amore
Ella -- I'm Getting Sentimental Over You
Michael -- The More I See You
Jane -- Taking a Chance on Love
Frank -- You Make Me Feel So Young
Louis -- What a Wonderful World
Jane -- In the Still of the Night
Harry -- Come By Me
Michael -- Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Louis -- Dream a Little Dream
Frank -- I've Got You Under my Skin
Michael -- Fever
Harry -- On the Street Where You Live
Ella -- I'm Just a Lucky So and So
Frank -- -- Night and Day
Jane – Honeysuckle Rose
Michael -- You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine
Harry -- Recipe for Making Love
Ella -- You're my Thrill
Tony -- Just in Time
Tavares -- Disco Inferno then
Frank -- I've Got a Crush on You
Celtic Folk – Blushing Bride
City of Angels Soundtrack
Moonlight Sonata
Forrest Gump
Beauty and the Beast Soundtrack
Mehndelssohn –- Midsummer Night's Dream
Mozart -- The Marriage of Figaro -- march
Fiddler on the Roof Soundtrack
Glenn Miller -- String of Pearls
Pink Panther Soundtrack
Vivaldi –- The Four Seasons
Harry Connick, Jr. -- Muskrat Rumble
Handel –- Music for Royal Fireworks
Mozart –- Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
Pink Panther Sndtrk -- It Had Better Be Tonight (instrumental)
My Fair Lady Soundtrack
Mozart -- The Marriage of Figaro -- Overture
South Pacific Soundtrack -– Symphonic Scenario for Concert Orchestra
Louie Armstrong -- Basin Street Blues
Harry -- Music, Maestro, Please
Corinne Bailey Rae –- Put Yr Records On
Abba -- Dancing Queen
Chicago -- Beginnings
Shania Twain –- From this Moment
Nat and Natalie King Cole -- Unforgettable
Glenn Miller -- In the Mood
B52s –- Love Shack
Earth Wind and Fire -- Got to Get You Into My Life
Chicago – Color My World
Billy Joel -- Just the Way You are
Iz – Over the Rainbow/Wonderful World
Stand By Me -- Great Balls of Fire
Huey Lewis and the News -- The Power of Love
Harry -- Only You
Frank -- The Best is Yet to Come
The Beatles -- Birthday
Frank –- What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?
Harry -- I Only Have Eyes For You
James Taylor –- How Sweet it is
Faith Hill –- This Kiss
Grease Soundtrack
Haiducii -- Numa Numa
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy -- You and me and the Bottle makes 3
Billy Joel -- She's Always a Woman
Edwin McCain –- I'll Be
The Clash -- Rock the Casbah
Bobby McFerrin –- Don’t Worry Be Happy
Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack
Beatles –- Ob-La-Di
Augustana –- Boston
Neil Diamond –- Sweet Caroline
Fleetwood Mac -- You Make Loving Fun
Chicago –- You're my Inspiration
Frank -- The Way You Look Tonight
Steve Miller Band -- Dance, Dance, Dance
Swingers Soundtrack
Ready to Wear Soundtrack
Harry -- A Wink and a Smile
Howie Day -- Collide
Footloose Soundtrack
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy -- Go Daddy-O
Prince -- Little Red Corvette
Phenomenon Soundtrack
Billy Joel -- She's Got a Way
Abba -- Take a Chance on Me
Earth, Wind, and Fire -- Sing a Song
Forrest Gump Soundtrack – Sugar Pie Honey Bunch
Elton John – Blue Eyes
Harry – Jill
Swingers Soundtrack -- Knock Me a Kiss
Bodyguard Soundtrack
Tower of Power -- (To Say The Least) You're The Most
Beatles -- Something
Billy Joel -- And So It Goes
David Bowie – Let's Dance
Cherry Poppin' Daddies -- Zoot Suit Riot
Devo –- Whip It
REO Speedwagon –- Can't Fight This Feeling
Jim Croce –- Time in a Bottle
Footloose -- Let's Hear It For The Boy
Steve Miller Band -- The Stake
Beatles -- I Want to Hold Your Hand
Stevie Wonder -- You Are the Sunshine of my Life
Harry -- She Belongs to Me
Bodyguard -- Lovely Day
Stevie Wonder -- Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Ready to Wear -- Natural Thing
Sound of Music – Something Good
Billy Joel -- To Make You Feel my Love
Steppenwolf -- Wild Thing
Paul Simon -- Father and Daughter
Chicago -- Color My World
Bryan Adams -- Everything I Do (I Do It For You)
Pajama Game Soundtrack
Beatles -- She Loves You
Earth, Wind, and Fire -– Reasons
Harry Connick, Jr. -- Save the Last Dance For Me
Michael Buble -- Fly With Me
Harry -- It Had To Be You
Celtic Folk -- Here's to Time
Frank Sinatra -- The Last Dance
All in all, what's listed there is 9 hours of music. Like I said, the hardest part of this task was not accumulating all the possible songs, it was narrowing the list down. There's about 18 more hours of music that I didn't include that we had listed.
Deciding on an "iPod wedding" definitely entailed MUCH more work than if we had hired a DJ or a band or even, as Sara and Brett did, get a jukebox. But for all the work of selecting and ordering the music, it was worth it.