But it's all a matter of degrees. I guess I was on some kind of self-imposed bedrest before my late-December hospital stay anyway, because of the back pain.
Paul picked up (with 2 nice coupons) our crib bedding sets the other night from Babies R Us (BRU). Now all the things we've gotten for gifts and picked up ourselves are just in the packaging in a spare room. Starting next Monday, we're getting the floors redone on the 2nd floor in the back section of our house (including the back room, which is the nursery). It'll look FANTASTIC when it's done (hopefully it won't take more than a week), but in the meantime, we can't set up any part of the nursery. It's an empty room with gorgeously painted light-mint-green walls (thanks to Paul, who painted the majority of the 2nd floor in November and December).
I can't wait to get in there and set things up. We have the changing table from Craigslist.org, a glider/ottoman from BRU, 2 cribs coming from my parents (my Dad is making them!), so the furniture is set. Check out this pic of the crib slats so far (mock assembly):

I can't believe how shiny that wood got with just tung oil! My dad did lots of research to make sure that both the wood and the finish he used would be safe for babies (especially when they teeth and could possibly chew on the rails, etc.).
I finally put the ultrasound pix (which have been on Facebook as I get more pix of our girls) and my belly pix on Flickr. Take a gander: