Sunday, January 28, 2007

Books and binders

My new 1001 Ways to Save Money...and Still Have a Dazzling Wedding book says, "Being organized is the number-one way to save money on your wedding." Good thing Maggie went with me yesterday to Borders to leaf through an entire column of wedding organizers and books. I came home with 2 binder books, which I'll combine soon, and the 1001 Ways book. I'm already digging in to the last, and will take it with me to Maine. Knowing Paul and me and how we "go away," though, I won't get much time to read. We'll be too busy skiing and hiking and exploring. I've got time, I keep telling myself. I've gotten a lot decided in the last week, so I can take some breathers now and then.

If anyone knows of a "crafty things you can do for your wedding" book, lemme know!

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